Not a day goes by without a major news outlet confusing AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning The purpose of this article is to break down the differences between AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning in layman terms.
Alright so let’s get into our very first AI project. Everyone starts here.
Taking that first step is always the hardest not having any direction makes it worst. Such is the case with prospective newcomers in the field of AI. It’s impossible to cover everything in one article [...]
Some of the most important python libraries used for AI and Machine learning [...]
Artificial Intelligence has been in the top news almost every day in the past year, but which achievements can be considered as true breakthroughs? Here is a list of our top 10 picks (in no particular order) [...]
Not a day goes by without a publication by every major news outlet on these topics but it seems the dividing lines between them still elude precise definition. The purpose of this article is to serve as an introduction to the field in layman terms. [...]
Alright so let’s get into our very first AI project. Everyone starts here. Nothing like a flower on Valentine’s Day. Everyone seems to associate Artificial Intelligence with robots taking over the world. Couldn’t be further from the truth. Artificial Intelligence is literally just exploiting the fact that computers make decisions faster than us. [...]